12:30p Vinyasa
6:00p Vinyasa
12:30p Vinyasa
6:00p Vinyasa
9:00a Vinyasa
All classes at the new yogazan studio at
2901 Ocean Park Blvd #121 Santa Monica 90405.
Please register at yogazan.com.
All classes also stream live via Zoom.
Joining me online is super easy:
Download Zoom for Meetings.
Sign up for class at yogazan.com.
Go here: https://zoom.us/j/3103993874 starting about 5 minutes before class time.
You can find a little more information at yogazan.com/streaming if you need it, including tips for optimizing your online practice. Check out my podcast for a different kind of online class experience.
I’ll see you in class soon. 🙏🏽